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DeShaun Williams

DeShaun Williams Profile Photo

Author / CEO / Minster

The survivor of many difficult challenges, and an attempted suicide, DeShaun Williams has been able to take everything that he has faced, looked at the lessons that they taught, and ran with it to create the change, and inspiration that he desires in the world. He has started doing this, by becoming an Ordained Minister, Certified Christian based Transformation Coach, & Speaker, author, and South Carolina field advocate for the AFSP where he promotes awareness on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.

March 8, 2023

Episode 70: Pursuing Life After Rock Bottom with Deshaun Williams

The survivor of many difficult challenges, and an attempted suicide, DeShaun Williams has been able to take everything that he has faced, looked at the lessons that they taught, and ran with it to create the change, and insp…